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Do you own play dough !

To keep the little busy during rainy days or shelter in place you could try to make Play Dough…

Here is the best & easy  recipe:

  • INGREDIENTS2 cups all-purpose flour
    3/4 cup salt
    4 teaspoons cream of tartar
    2 cups of warm water
    2 tablespoon vegetable oil
    Vegetable food coloring

Mix together all the ingredients in a 2-quart

Cook over low/medium heat, stirring.
Continue stirring until the mixture is thickened and begins to gather around the spoon.Remove the dough onto a plate to cool down.  Ready to play !

Cool completely before storing in a ziplock bag or sealed container.


If you want to add colors :

Separate the dough in 4, roll it a ball and add few drops of

colouring in the center. Knead it well and ready !







  • After few tries with homemade colouring ( tough stains & pink hands for 2 days ;0) i decided to give a try to natural foods colouring. You can easily buy a box in Mollie Stones for $9.99

I use mats to keep the fun going … Draw a large face shape on a paper and insert it in a protector sheet ! Tada ! You can also use a plate and utensils,  flowers stems, body outlines, cupcakes & much more !

 Let us know how you did !








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