Should we be afraid of the spiders?
Spiders are frequently seen as scary. And it is pretty usual to see kids saying “I don’t like spiders” or “I am afraid of the spiders”, if they do not scream first.
Do we have to be afraid of those very small animal?
At Les Kidz, we teach the children that they should not be afraid of the spiders. Actually if you let them quiet, and mind your own business, there is no reason that they will come to bother you. Which is actually what we teach in general about animals we meet around.
Usually, the spiders are shown as a sign of abandonment of one’s home. We are taught that they bite and that they are ugly. And yes, on our scale of beauty, they do not perform.
But should we be afraid of what we do not find beautiful?
The famous story of the ugly duckling fits the spiders perfectly. Do you remind this story? And the lesson it teach us about the respect and the diversity in the world?
Also why not being curious about this animal? Isn’t it kind of them to eat mosquitos and flies that bother us? Don’t you find their web amazing and beautiful enlightened by the morning dew? They are pieces of art in addition to being meticulous expert work.
As human, we are way bigger and stronger. We can destroy their house and life with the tip of one finger. So it also may gives us the duty to protect them. And without a lot of effort, and a tiny bit of wonder, respect their life and maybe learn from them.
If a spider come to our school and find a place inside our building, we usually put her outside in a safe place. We use a glass, a piece of cardboard, a book… Something that she can climb on easily. We gently invite her to go on our material with paying attention to not hurt her. Then we let her go in the backyard, in a safe place with plants, close to trees. So she will be able to build a new web.
So are we afraid of the spiders? Silly question.
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