With small class sizes, children receive individual attention and reinforcement and are always encouraged to participate and interact.
A typical daily schedule would include art, dance, science, music…
Daily Schedule*
8:30 am
Children are greeted by a teacher; put away their belongings and find an activity. Children can play with blocks, woodworking, science materials, music or books… or participating in teacher-led activities.
8:45 am
Circle Time: Children gather to start circle time with the “BONJOUR” song, read stories, and participate in group discussions and lessons.
9:15 am Art projects, dance class, cooking class, etc.
9:45 am Snack Time
10:00 am Outdoor Play / Nature Walk / Park Day Free play
11:30 am Lunch
12:00 pm Clean up, reading
12:30 pm Nap and quiet time
3:00 pm Snack time
3:30 – 4:00 pm Free Play and/or outdoor time. Parents arriving. AU REVOIR!
4:00pm-5:00pm Extended Care (optional)
* This is not a fixed Schedule; it is flexible to children’s changes, ages and needs.