As a business we think that we have a responsability. The responsability to do our best to make it right for our planet.

We learn, read, talk a lot about climate change. And today it’s time for action. Time for every business, government and individual to dedicate themselves to heading off the environmental and social crisis at hand. Here’s what we do at Les Kidz.

Innovator Certified

Les Kidz are very proud to be certified as a Green Business Innovator of San Francisco. We were the 10th Innovator business certified in the entire State of California!

Our Website.

We understand that our online presence and activity consumes a lot of energy. The hosting and the conversation of our data, requires big machines which require big cooling system and a lot of energy. Without counting the rare materials which are used to manufacture all this technology and which generate pollution and destruction of the surrounding ecosystems for their extraction.

This is why in our daily research to improve our carbon footprint, we have chosen a host who is aware of our environment. And do their very best to offer an eco responsable service.

Our Food Policy.

One part of our curriculum is to teach the children the respect of all kind of life. All kind of animals and plants. We teach them to recognize them. Their names, their role… Is the spider useful? Why? And that Roly Poly? Squirrel? All right but can you explain why?…

In that in mind, we decided to go further and to turn all our menu for children on day to day basis is now 100% vegetarian and organic. Our events, party with families are too.

All eggs or milk we use or serve are from cage-free, well treated animals. We buy local as much as we can. And everything is 100% organic.

We also respect the diversity of beliefs about food. So just let us know if you or your child does not eat a particular food.


Cooking Class.

We propose a cooking class to the children at least once a week. So the children learn to cook the snack of the day.

The impact:

  • They learn to cook their own food.
  • The food transformation can’t be more fresh and local.
  • We know what we eat.

Our Partner.

We partner with Farm Fresh To You. They bring us fresh local organic produce from the farms around. Michael is awesome and give us some reduction and gift certificate that we can share around. Please do not be shy and ask for your reduction code to order on Farm Fresh!


We Buy in Bulk and Responsible.

We go to the farmers market, Rainbow Grocery or Other Avenues.

We do our best to buy the food, and the cleaning products in Bulk. No more packaging for our trash.

Our Trash.

We calculated that we were throwing around 330 diapers/month. And I don’t even tell about wipes! Our trash everyday was composed by 95% of diapers and wipes. So we just choose to STOP.

In April 2017, we decided to enroll with Earth-Baby, the compostable diapers service in the Bay Area. earth-baby

The best would probably be to work with washable diapers. But it is just impossible for us today to do the wash job. And not all families can do it too.

So we were lucky enough to find this local company who offer this compostable diapers service. We purchase their 99% compostable diapers and they come at our door each week to pick up used diapers. They compost it. Wipes too.

Families don’t need to bring diapers anymore. We take the whole process in charge for them. Beside that, we support all families who use WASHABLE DIAPERS. Our team is fully trained to work with it.

We also decide to go further in this Diapers’ trash fight! So we put in place what we call the “Group Potty Training”. The children love to copy and to learn from each other. This is a big part of their learning process. And we realize the big impact we can have with potty training. So we encourage every child to go on the potty with their friends. This is fun and very rewarding! But no pushing, we respect those who does not want to go and prefer to watch. There is a time for everything right?

We help families with the potty training step. And we are proud to have very good results. And much less diapers…

Drawing, painting stuff, Play Dough homemade.

We stopped buying markers. We only use wood or natural wax color pencils.

So our plastic waste is down to zero. We also choose unbleashed paper 100% recycled. Made in USA. And we try to do our own paper but this work is still in progress… We recycle ourselves as much as we can.

We do our own play doe, “Pâte à modeler” in French. Super easy, fun to do and there is no danger if the children eat it.


A Permaculture Philosophy.

We are proud to implement what we call a Permaculture Philosophy in our approach.

Thinking sustainable and not throwabble. How we could do in order to save energy. When we talk about energy, we talk about the energy we use to heat our house AS WELL AS the energy of our own body. How to be more efficient? And to have a better impact?

This is what Permaculture is about and we do our best to work with this in mind.

To be successful, you have to understand the process of how things work. How do you make the flour? What happen if I use wood, stones, dirt to build this wall? Why will I choose this instead of that? What will be the impact? The energy cost?

So we do a lot of science, architecture, experiences in a fun way with the children.

We also teach them the time. Which is an important parameter of our life.

Today we tend to do everything very quick. Almost instantly. Like if we were a machine. Kids especially do not want to wait. They don’t understand why they should have to.

We teach them that doing things and obtaining a result takes time. We teach them to enjoy the process as well. Waiting is not wasting your time. Waiting is learning to organize your time. And you can make this “waiting time” very profitable.

Our Little Farm.

Summer 2021. We finally decided to adopt 3 chicken. And they bring us so much life in our lives! The children, chicken, families, Céline and Pica So the cat learnt to live together.

And guess what? The kid who is allergic to eggs is not allergic to ours.

His pediatrician told the parents that it is probably because we do not give antibiotic to our chicken.

You are welcome to reach us if you have an allergic eggs child. Enrolled in our school or not. 🙂

#Free Range Chicken

#Free Range Kids

#Happy Families

#Happy Teacher
